David Gault

Unfortunately, David passed in January 2022. We have created this website as a dedication to his many years of photographic work.

David spent 40+ years behind the lense. His first love was film photography. Often turning his kitchen in to a dark room. He often experimented with different techniques from infrared to pin hole photography.

We were given access to his Apple Mac's to look for his photos. We found nearly a terabyte of digitised pictures. PSW Services have spent many months sorting through his photographs. We hope the first eight presented to you represents his creativity. We will be uploading more in the coming months.

A few more words about David. He looked on landscape photography as an art form. Capturing what the eye sees and the scene the camera captures at that moment in time. David showed the magic of Black and White in his favourite medium, Film. He took many digital images and saw them as lifeless. The grain in film gave it body and soul. David was always trying to express his creativity in his pictures. He took many colour photographs, but he saw the finer details black and white picture. David was a great admirer of the works of the late Simon Marsden, who's pictures in infrared film added mystery to his work.